Embracing Feminine Energy: Become a Magnet for Your Desires

How often do you truly allow yourself to rest, recover, and receive without feeling guilty or unproductive?

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly pushing, doing, and striving, only to end up feeling exhausted and disconnected from yourself? I know I have. For so long, I was caught up in that go-go-go mindset, relying heavily on my masculine energy to get things done and keep everything in control. But let me tell you, that approach only takes you so far. In this episode, I dive deep into my journey of reconnecting with my feminine energy and embracing the beautiful power of receiving.

It all started when I realized that I was living out of alignment with my true desires. I was so focused on achieving and hustling that I lost touch with the softer, more intuitive side of myself. I knew I needed to make a change, but I wasn’t sure where to start. That’s when I began to explore the concept of feminine energy and how it plays such a vital role in our lives.

Feminine energy isn’t just about being soft or passive; it’s about finding balance and harmony within ourselves. It’s about slowing down, tuning in, and feeling our feelings instead of pushing them aside. It’s about trusting in the process and allowing things to unfold naturally, rather than forcing outcomes. And perhaps most importantly, it’s about being open to receiving—not just giving all the time.

As women, especially as mamas, we’re often conditioned to give, give, give. We give to our families, our jobs, our communities, and somewhere along the way, we forget to give to ourselves. But here’s the thing: when we’re constantly in giving mode, we deplete our energy and block ourselves from receiving the abundance that’s meant for us. That’s why reconnecting with our feminine energy is so powerful—it allows us to receive with grace and gratitude.

For me, this journey has been about finding balance between my masculine and feminine energies. Yes, there’s still a time and place for that drive and determination, but I’ve learned that it’s just as important to embrace the flow, the softness, and the surrender that come with feminine energy. It’s a dance between the two, and when you find that sweet spot, life just feels so much more aligned.

One of the biggest shifts I’ve made is learning to slow down and really feel my feelings. I used to be the queen of avoiding emotions—if something felt uncomfortable, I’d distract myself with work, tasks, or anything to keep from sitting with it. But now, I understand that feeling my feelings is a crucial part of the healing process. It’s how we move through emotions and release what no longer serves us.

“Feel your feelings. Your feelings are your guides. Your feelings are your superpowers.”

And let’s talk about trust, babe. Trusting the process hasn’t always come easy for me. I’ve had to do a lot of inner work to build that foundation of trust within myself and the universe. But once you start trusting, once you start surrendering, that’s when the magic happens. When you let go of the need to control everything and instead lean into trust, you open yourself up to so much more abundance, love, and joy.

Of course, all of this is easier said than done. That’s why I’m a big advocate for doing the inner work and regulating your nervous system. When our nervous system is dysregulated, we’re stuck in survival mode, and it’s nearly impossible to trust or surrender. But when we take the time to ground ourselves, to breathe, to meditate, we create a foundation of safety within our bodies. And from that place of safety, trust and surrender become so much more accessible.

In this episode, I share more about my journey and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I encourage you to explore your own relationship with feminine energy and see where you might be out of balance. It’s not about abandoning your masculine energy—it’s about finding that harmony between the two. Because when you’re in alignment with your true desires, when you’re living authentically, that’s when you truly thrive.

So, mama, take a deep breath, slow down, and allow yourself to receive. Trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to. You’ve got this.

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!

XO, Brooke Jean

    • The power of setting strong intentions and trusting the process of their manifestation.

    • Balancing masculine and feminine energies, acknowledging that this does not mean feeling good every day. 

    • Embracing and riding the waves of emotions while remaining a powerful magnet for your desires.

    • Introducing a new program called 'Unstuck and Unstoppable,' focused on overcoming perfectionism and embracing true worth. 

    • Living authentically and discussing how perfectionism leads to inauthenticity

    • Providing three tangible steps to discover your true self

    • The importance of using core values to guide daily decisions, leading to a life in alignment with your true self and purpose. 

    • Living authentically increases magnetism, opening new opportunities and fostering excitement.

    • Revisit past episodes featuring the Enneagram and emotional work with Tracy Litt

    • The importance of using core values as guiding posts to make decisions that align with your true self, which increases magnetism and opens up new opportunities.

    • The balance between masculine and feminine energies, emphasizing the need to shift from constant execution to embracing rest, recovery, and receiving. 

    • The positive outcomes of embracing feminine energy.

    • Aligning life decisions with core values to enhance your magnetism and attract opportunities.

    • Balancing masculine energy (execution, planning) with feminine energy (feeling, receiving) for better overall well-being and success.

    • The benefits of slowing down, feeling emotions, and trusting the process, culminating in the realization that combining both energies leads to a more fulfilling and sustainable life.

    • Embracing and honoring your feelings

    • Be compassionate with your journey. 

    • Join the unPerfected Mastermind and connect with your feminine side.


I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.

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@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.

Join my private Facebook group Mommy’s Mental Health Matters and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!

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