In the last episode I noted the correlation between a rise in expectations of modern moms and a rise in our mental health issues, and that if we continue trying to keep up we are going to continue to get sick.
I want to touch on the key psychological phenomenon that got us here – our conditioning.
Conditioning (also known as “programming”) stems from the moment we’re in utero until about seven years old – a time when we’re extremely impressionable. We absorb information about the world and who we are, and as females we often hear that phrase “good girl” when we’re being kind, nurturing, a good listener, and so on. Little did we know that this phrase would birth our subconscious beliefs about what our roles are, and what a “good mom” is.
Here’s the thing – when we make our subconscious beliefs conscious, we can actually do something about them.
Because lord knows that most of these beliefs are outdated and are no longer relevant for us. There are “shoulds” and “supposed to’s” that we are programmed to do, even if they don’t bring us joy. Time to upgrade!
I want to teach you how to shed the shoulds by following them. When we follow our shoulds we can figure out what our beliefs are on what it means to be good enough. We need to give ourselves permission to say no to the shoulds that don’t light us up.
When you start to identify your beliefs and shed your shoulds, you’ll have a physical, emotional, visceral response because it’s like going against what we’ve been taught.
As a woman you put everyone before yourself, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
My takeaway for you — get curious about your shoulds. My hope is that you can start identifying your shoulds (even if only one or two), and that you start questioning them in order to form new, healthy beliefs. I will help guide you toward breaking free from them.
Take care of yourselves and therefore each other!
xo, brooke jean
Break Free From Unhealthy Conditioning and Shedding Unnecessary “Shoulds”
• Brooke talks about the conditioning that leads to subconscious beliefs about who we are, how the world works, and our roles in the world
• Subconscious beliefs that were developed based on conditioning and programming
• Our subconscious beliefs drive 80-90% of our existence
• Our thoughts about what it means to be enough drive our behavior
• What is our idea of what it means to be a “good enough mom”?
• Illustrating the power of conditioning and how it affects our behavior
• How conditioning affects how we are programmed and imprinted upon for the early developmental years of our lives
• Good moms deserve to create holidays that are in alignment with your core values
• Breaking free from these traditional roles and expectations because they add a lot of pressure on us
• Understand that our thoughts affect how we feel and our beliefs are fueling our thoughts
• Brooke invites listeners to join her private Facebook group called, “Mommy’s Mental Health Matters” to continue the conversation
• To learn more about Brooke and her work, listeners can visit Brooke Jean LLC!

I hope that you’ll join me in this movement, and that you can authentically reconnect with who you really are. That’s where your essence and your gems really lie.
Follow along on Instagram
@brookejeanunperfected to see how ridiculous I am IRL.
Join my private Facebook group
“Mommy’s Mental Health Matters”, and let’s continue the conversation, uplift one another, and build the life that we have always dreamed of. I would love to have you!
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Thanks so much for listening!