Reclaiming Your Worth and Inner Peace Masterclass

Discover the proven system that’s helped myself and 1000’s of high achieving women overcome perfectionism so that they can create a life they ACTUALLY love.

In this Masterclass you’ll…

  • Understand what Perfectionism is and Identify HOW it’s showing up in your life.

  • Reflect on the impact Perfectionism has on your mental, emotional and physical health.

  • Learn proven therapeutic strategies to overcome Perfectionism.

  • Reclaim Inner Peace & Self- Worth. 

  • Live intentionally to create a balanced & fulfilling life.

  • Rest in your new found enough-ness, ahhhhhhhhhh.

It’s time you Rock That Enough-Ness and See What’s Possible in a Life UNperfected ®: 


This class is for you if…

  • You are ready to get off the hamster wheel and feel more at ease.

  • You have done all the “right things” according to societies’ standards but feel deeply unfulfilled.

  • You know perfectionism is stunting you, your growth, and the creation of the life you dream of and you are full out ready to take action.

  • You are ready to ditch habits, thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.

  • You get chills when thinking about knowing deep down you are enough.  That it’s enough.

  • You desire a FULL and abundant life and know deep down there has to be a better way, one with more JOY and fun and lightness.

Meet Your Masterclass Facilitator

Brooke Jean, LPC

Founder of UNperfected®

Brooke Jean, MA, LPC is a Licensed Therapist, Coach, Speaker and the Host of The Unperfected Pod on a mission to normalize normal. She believes that life isn’t perfect, but it can be unperfected and using a blend of energy work, counseling, coaching & facilitation, she guides her audience to let go of who they think they are, in order to create the life they’ve been waiting for.

Life is Better, Unperfected and I am here to show you the way…

October 4th from 10:30AM - 12:00PM MST