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What does it mean to become an unPERFECTED Mama?

Learn what it means to be unperfected


Today's working mom is secretly suffering to a staggering degree in an attempt to be the perfect (fill in the blank); mom, partner, boss, daughter, sister, neighbor, school volunteer, host, chef, yogi, community leader--you get the point. She is managing the mental load of her home, family, pets, social circles and professional peeps, while trying to keep the house in order, everyone fed, and all hearts tended to without completely losing her shit. She’s beyond stressed wondering if she’s having enough sex with her partner, making healthy-enough meals, providing sensory friendly-enough activities and maintaining a toxin-free- enough home. She’s haphazardly juggling working from home with the kids’ on again off again remote learning and her partner being in her space 24/7, all while trying to close her Apple watch’s exercise ring. Oh, and don’t forget she’s also obligated to uphold gramma’s values in today’s doings and needs to get her mustache waxed ASAP.

If it sounds downright impossible, it’s because it is. And it’s killing her--and me.

The messages we have been absorbing throughout history have become our internal conditioned beliefs and have defined and deeply influenced how we think, feel and behave. On top of all that, today’s media messaging and the influx of information being shoved down our throats is designed to reinforce the belief that we are not enough and how much more we should be doing. This false image leads us to believe there is something wrong with us, when in all reality, the truth is that there is something wrong with the SYSTEM. And because our brains have evolved to keep us safe, sense danger, and compare ourselves to others, we are keenly aware of the never-ending rise in expectations and are desperately trying to meet them. At the cost of our health, authenticity, wellbeing, dreams, goals, desires, and ultimate truths.

Therefore, it should come as no alarming surprise that there is a direct parallel between the increase in responsibilities, workload, pressure and societal expectations on mom along with a frightening increase in her mental health conditions. Across the board we are seeing rapid jumps in things like substance use disorder (SUD), with most recent studies indicating women’s drinking is at an all time high, staggering increases in overall mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and suicide rates.

Why? Because trying to be all the things to all the people while upholding old-school values and traditions is literally making us sick. Deteriorating our mental, emotional and physical health.

Enter, becoming unPERFECTED where I invite and strongly encourage you, mama, to embrace who you were before the world told you who you’re supposed to be, to harness the messiness and lean into your next-level cray.        

To find the beauty in reality, to normalize normal and to stop doing shit that doesn’t light you up!

Becoming unPERFECTED is about learning to consciously grieve who you were, the life you had and the ideal of how things would be while learning that you have many parts that are perhaps lost or hidden that need an invitation back to your table of life.    

Being unPERFECTED includes learning how to set boundaries such as learning to lower the bar, that NO is a full f’n sentence and how to protect your energy. Learning the importance of how to connect to your intuition, how to navigate change in a healthy way, how to find a mama community you can be real with. This is an opportunity to excavate your gems and integrate them into your being while also clarifying your core values which will become an internal GPS system. 


So, mama, are you ready to shed the shoulds, eff the filters and stop perfecting your life so you can actually start LIVING it?

Then join the waitlist now for my signature group coaching program The unPERFECTED Mama.

Learn more about the program here.

In short order, Perfection is OUT folks. unPERFECTED is IN.

Take care of yourselves and therefore each other,

XO brooke jean

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